Thursday, May 14, 2020

Cyber Attacks And Its Effects On The Nation s Economy

Present day events have shown that cyber-attacks are becoming more prevalent and sophisticated on the internet especially against our nation’s Critical Infrastructures (CI). One of them being the U.S. electrical power grid is also a national security risk that is currently vulnerable to cyber threats from malicious actors on the intent of causing a power blackout. The lack of protection on the power grid can result in an operational nightmare that can cause other government entities or specific CI targets that rely on the power grid to be non-operational. The consequence of a blackout would cost billions and can affect millions of people in the United States by delaying essential services needed to keep the country operational, which is essential for the nation’s economy and security. The complexity to understand cyber threats is ever changing due to technological advances and methods being used by computer hackers. The nation’s electricity system consists o f generators and regional networks of interconnected transmission lines that are vulnerable to a cyber-attack. However, with increased reliance to develop a smart grid to improve system operability such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) to monitor load balances remotely using internet protocols comes more risk for intruders. This paper will identify the risks associated with the electric grid and discuss the proposed new policy approaches that will help the electric industry which have beenShow MoreRelatedShould Government Implement Laws For Cyber Crime?977 Words   |  4 Pagesprevent cyber crime† Today is the era of technology and globalisation, as it connects the whole world together but also opens new ways to crime. Cyber crime is the result of negative use of technology. Cyber crime refers to a crime which is committed through internet or computer. 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