Saturday, February 22, 2020

Statute and Case Law Relationship Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statute and Case Law Relationship Paper - Essay Example The Eleventh September outrage generated a lot of ill will in America and a few instances of discrimination did take place. One such incident was the firing of a hotel manager whose father had migrated to the USA from the United Arab Republic, who filed a discriminatory case in which he pleaded that his employment was terminated because of his national origin. The facts of this case are that, Karim El Raheb, of Egyptian origin, was fired by Pesce Ltd Restaurant shortly after the Al Qaeda terrorists committed atrocities in New York and Washington on the 11th of September 2001. The U.S. EEOC sued Pesce, Ltd., under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, n.d). The EEOC in its plea argued that soon after these terrorist attacks, Damian C. Mandola the Co-Owner of Pesce's started to make frequent references within the hearing of the restaurant staff and customers that Mr. El-Raheb looked like a person of Spanish Origin and that he should change his name to sound like a Latin name. Mandola blamed El-Raheb for the decline in earnings after the terrorist attacks and fired him in November 2001.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Managment in arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managment in arts - Essay Example FNAC (National French Collection of Contemporary Art) can be considered as an example of cultural diversity in selecting the artistic works. Fifty percent of the arts collection contains French works while the other fifty percent comprises the works of arts of non-French artists. The numbers of bought works of art are French as well as non-French and are bought in a similar ratio. There is no restriction in terms of nationality and origin of the artist in terms of his/her artistic work and the works of art are bought and sold without any obligation concerning culture, nationality or origin. As far as ratio of artistic work from other nationalities is concerned, it is not equal. FNAC indicates that the artistic works from US are enormous in ratio as compared to other countries. The higher ratio from which, the works of art belong are from western richest economies such as United States, Britain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. The collection of artistic works at FNAC contains the artistic works from 55 different countries, which represents that globalization has impacted the sector of artistic work to a great extent. The structure of artists’ nationalities is not affected because of increasing or decreasing ratio of non-French artistic works. There is a hierarchy, which is followed in order to give positions to the works of art. Globalization has not opened grounds for the poor but has provided more grounds to the rich. United States is considered at the top in terms of hierarchy of works of art in terms of foreign representation. Collections of the works of arts at various places in the world give prominence to the artists of the place while the artistic works from prominent countries such as United States, France, Britain, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Belgium and many others, are also considered crucial and given concentration on the basis of the nationalities of the artists. The artists are