Thursday, December 26, 2019

Persuasive Essay On Ticks - 764 Words

Introduction Ticks are insects that draw blood for food. Most ticks live in shrubs and grassy areas. They climb onto people and animals that brush against the leaves and grasses they rest on. Then they bite, attaching themselves to the skin. Most ticks are harmless, but some carry germs that can spread to a person through a bite and cause disease. To reduce your risk of getting a disease from a tick bite, it is important to take steps to prevent tick bites. It is also important to check for ticks after being outdoors and, if you find one, to watch for symptoms of disease. How can I prevent tick bites? Take these steps to help prevent tick bites when you are outdoors in an area where ticks are found: Put insect repellent on any parts of†¦show more content†¦To remove a tick that is crawling on your skin but has not bitten, go outdoors and brush the tick off. To remove a tick that is attached to your skin: Wash your hands. If you have latex gloves, put them on. Using tweezers, curved forceps, or a tick-removal tool to gently grasp the tick as close to your skin and the tick s head as possible. Gently pull with steady, upward pressure until the tick lets go. When removing the tick: Take care to keep the tick s head attached to its body. Do not twist or jerk the tick. This can make the tick s head or mouth break off. Do not squeeze or crush the tick s body. This could force disease-carrying fluids from the tick into your body. Do not try to remove a tick with heat, alcohol, petroleum jelly, or fingernail polish. Using these methods can cause the tick to salivate and regurgitate into your bloodstream, increasing your risk of getting a disease. What should I do after removing a tick? Clean wash the bite area with soap and water, rubbing alcohol, or an iodine scrub. If an antiseptic cream or ointment is available, apply a small amount to the bite site. Wash and disinfect any instruments you used to remove the tick. How should I dispose of a tick? To dispose of a live tick, use one of these methods: Place the tick in rubbing alcohol. Place in sealed bag or container. Wrap it tightly in tape. Flush it down the toilet. Contact a health care provider if: You are not able to remove a tick. AShow MoreRelatedThe Relevance Of Just War Tradition2289 Words   |  10 Pages The purpose of this essay is to evaluate the relevance of Just War Tradition (JWT) in contemporary warfare. It will do so through critical analysis of the condition of Just ad Bellum (JAB) because arguably if one carefully considers the moral conditions that make going to war justifiable then the same cautious, moral assumptions apply in Jus in Bello. Firstly it will briefly discuss the history of JWT and thusly the inherent problems within JAB applied in the contemporary world. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Economic Policy and Practice - 2011 Words

Economic Policies And Practices ECO2072 / Professor Gordon 4/5/2013 Assignment Due Date – 4/3/2013 Economic Policies And Practices Understanding the foundation for which our economy and society as a whole is built upon, the need for a controlled and managed monetary system to function effectively in order to facilitate trade and stabilize the flow within our economy is a must. To facilitate this need the federal government implements tools for analyzing the economy in order to regulate and control, and decisions are made based on the inputs and observations made to stabilize and enable the money to grow and retract as required within our economic system. Again, based on the aforementioned, the phrase â€Å"money makes the world go†¦show more content†¦In the case of quotas and their effect on the economy, we find that quotas are numerical limits which are imposed on imported goods and in such a case of enactment consumers are truly harmed by the quotas while domestic and foreign producers will benefit once again by receiving higher prices for goods and services (Investop edia, 2013). Loss Of Confidence In Leadership In Ability To Manage And Create Jobs The Federal government is the entity that steps in when our economy incurs unhealthy conditions within its business cycle. It is presumed that our government has tools to detect and analyze our economy to understand those events that have the potential to alter the economy’s equilibrium. With respect to the aforementioned, problems arise when the general public loses confidence in the leadership and their ability to manage the economy to include job creation. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Management Practices of the Arab Bank-Free Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Risk Management Practices of the Arab Bank. Answer: Introduction This is a report, which will highlight the risk management practices of the organization named Arab Bank. Arab Bank is one of the largest banks in Jordon and focusing on managing risk in their organization. The report will portray the objectives, potential threats, weaknesses, strengths and opportunities for the organization. The existing risk management policies of the organization and new policies that have to be accommodated according to the needs of the bank will be critically analyzed to give a better understanding of the study. Background Arab Bank is one of the largest financial institutions in the Middle East and belongs to the private sector. Arab Bank has its headquarters in Amman, which is situated in Jordon. The organization has been catering to large number of consumers over 600 branches, which are spread in five continents. Arab Bank is one of the major economic contributors in Jordon as they provide banking solutions to their clients and at the same time facilitates in development of business growth ( 2017). The organization has grabbed the majority of stakes and has highest capitalization in the market. The bank faced some issues right after the global economic crisis, which lead to the decrease in the credit rating of the organization. However, they have been able to bounce back and regain their strong hold in the market. Aims of organisation The political instability of the Arab countries is increasing the amount of risk in the market. The bank is aiming to incorporate strong information technology systems, efficient governance and employment of workforce, which are highly skilled ( 2017). Thus, the organization will have to prioritize the risk issues; this will enable to include flexibility within the risk structure of the organization. Arab Bank has its own set of values and principles that are developed based on the interest of the stakeholders. The values are as follows: Commitment: The organization has aimed to support economies and the people in that region. Trust: Arab Bank has been able to successfully protect the customer interest, they have kept a secured network and maintains confidentiality of the client data. Citizenship: The organization has been involved in corporate social activities by nurturing advancement and growth of the industry and the people. Arab Bank has been able to contribute to the overall development of the society. Customer Focus: The bank is focused on fulfilling the needs of the organization. Service Excellence: Customer experience management has been incorporated in to the business model of the organization, which has facilitated in providing extraordinary service by improving the experience of the customer. Teamwork: The work culture is based on teamwork and the organization provides encouragement in making efforts of collaboration. Empowerment: The organization had aimed to provide effective training and development program for the workforce. This will enable the workforce to grow personally and professionally at the same time. Transparency: The organization has tried to keep the communication with the consumers as open as possible so that they can maintain the transparency of the processes and gain their trust. Identified threats and opportunities STP Segment Corporate banking, Private banking, Loans, commercial lending, Structured finance, Project Finance, Savings account and current account. Target Group Various business organizations and corporate individual who are in need of financial services Positioning A financial institution, which maintains transparency and be a responsible corporate citizen SWOT Analysis Strengths Globally established in five continents Major contributor to economy Good awareness Asset base is huge One of the largest financial institutions Weaknesses Involvement in controversies which has affected the global image of the brand Opportunities Demand of banking services in the Middle East is booming in nature Opportunity of forming alliances, which will facilitate in penetration in international market Threats Increase in competition in the Middle East market Getting exposed to Euro zone crisis Fluctuating for currency values and economic scenario The swot analysis of Arab Bank highlights the fact that the organization has a strong position in the market. However, even though the organization is globally recognized, the organization is facing risks in certain areas. They have to mitigate those threats and opportunities so that they can gain competitive advantage in the market. The competition in the Middle East market is growing and Arab Bank is facing steep competition from other banks in the industry. Risk management practices Risk management is assessment, prioritization and identification of risk so that the unfortunate events probability can be minimized. This will enable the maximization of opportunities in the market. Risk can develop due to different types of uncertainty in the market and internal weaknesses (McNeil, Frey and Embrechts 2015). This may include problems in the financial market, credit risk, legal liabilities and natural calamities. Risk management will ensure that the organization will be able to increase their revenue streams by mitigating the risks that they may face during the different aspect of the organization. The different types of risk faced by the banks are described below in detail: Credit risk Liquidity risk Market risk Compliance risk Operational risk Credit risk is the probability that a borrower will be fail in making payments on any type of the debts. Credit risk will monitor the loss reserves and the adequacy o0f the capital to mitigate the risk. The global economic crisis has made the banks understood the importance of credit risk management and how it can be used to minimize the chances of loss within a bank (DeAngelo and Stulz 2015). Thus, the regulators want to maintain transparency in all the processes so that all banks may have essential information regarding their customers and credit risk associated with it. Thus, the banks will have to follow the Basel III norms so that they are able to mitigate the risks in a better, which means that the burden of the banks have increased significantly. The management of credit risk in an effective way will ensure competitive advantage and overall improvement in the performance in the organization (Ramakrishna 2015). However, in order to maintain effective credit risk management, the bank will have to gain a complete understanding of the banks overall credit risk. This can be done by evaluating the customer, level of portfolio and individual risks. However, the banks will try to evaluate the risk profiles in an integrated way. However, the information regarding risk portfolios are distributed among all the units of business. Thus, an in depth risk assessment is required for accurately identifying the capital reserves. This will reflect the risk associated and the short-term losses in credit; thus, this will ensure that the organization is able to increase the capital adequacy and reduce the short credit losses by using solutions for credit risk mitigation (Matthews 2013). Simple portfolio measures can be used for mitigation of credit risk for the banks, which are severely facing issues with the credit risk management. However, in the long term the organization will require more sophisticated risk management measures for managing credit risk. This will include real-time monitoring and scoring, management of the model in a better way to ensure that it increases the longevity of the modelling cycle and stress testing capabilities that is robust (Abiola and Olausi 2014). Liquidity is the ability of the bank to finance all the obligations, which are of contractual of nature. This will include the factors such as investment, lending and withdrawal of funds. This is a practice in which the banks are making use of the short-term liabilities to finance the long-term assets. This gives rise to rollover and refinancing risk; it is the prime responsibility of the banks to define clearly the liquidity policy of the banks (Waemustafa and Sukri 2016). Thus, the banks will have to make anticipation regarding withdrawal of funds and deposits as the contractual maturity of the loans are shorter. Thus, the banks will have to create a cushion period for reducing the risk by maintaining the level of liquidity in the banks. Liquidity of the bank is important, as it will facilitate in accommodating the deposits and funding of the loan growth. The banks are dividing the cash flows in terms of buckets, which will facilitate in maintaining the liquidity of the bank for all the quarters in a given fiscal year. Liquidity risk of the bank can be divided in to factors such as asset liquidity risk and funding liquidity risk. The losses incurred by the bank due to the transacting at the present price in the market can be defined as asset liquidity risk (Waemustafa and Sukri 2015). This may happen due to the fluctuation in the market and selling products at such prices will result in loss. When the bank is unable to meet the funding requirements then it is exposed to funding liquidity risk. This may lead to the development of problems such as failure in meeting the capital withdrawal requests and margin calls. Thus, the bank may be forced to liquidate the assets and the organization may be forced to sell their assets at fire price. The risk of loss due to the factors, which will affect the overall market, is known as market risk. Market risk cannot be diversified, as it will affect the overall industry, which means hedging of the portfolio is the only option. This means that the risk cannot be completely mitigated and the losses incurred can be only reduced. The main sources of risk from the market, which will include equity price risk, interest rate risk, commodity risk and foreign exchange risk (Leung, Banks and Saary-Littman 2016). The changes in the interest rate due to the volatility in the market will give rise to interest rate risk. When there is a change in the interest rate risk in the market it will give rise to risk such as options risk, repricing risk and basis risk. The changes in the spreads in the interest rate risk in the market will give rise to fluctuations, which can be denoted by the basis risk (Calomiris and Carlson 2016). The changes in the spread among the various market interest rates wi ll give rise to basis risk. The volatility in the prices of the security will give rise to equity price risk; in simple words decline in the prices of security or a portfolio will give rise to this risk. However, there are two categories one is the unsystematic risk which is the internal risk of the organization where as the systematic risk is the overall risk in the market which cannot be mitigated. Unsystematic risk of equity price risk can be mitigated through diversification of the portfolio but the systematic risk cannot be mitigated as it will affect the overall asset class (Waemustafa and Sukri 2016). Hedging is the only option for the systematic risk that can only be reduced and cannot be only mitigated. Foreign exchange risk is faced by the bank to the change in the currency exchange rates. The volatility in the exchange rate among the currencies will definitely impact the foreign direct investments of the banks. The fluctuation in the currency exchange rates will decrease the profit margin of the organization if there is depreciation in the value of the currency (Roy 2017). The fluctuations in the prices of the commodities in the market will give rise to the commodity risk. However, in this scenario, commodity risk will not have much impact on the banks. Compliance risk is the legal risk, which arises due to the ambiguous practices of the clients of the banks that will affect the performance of certain bank products. This risk may expose the financial institutions to penalties, fines, and contract voiding and damage payments. This risk will hamper the reputation, restrict the business opportunities, reduce the value of the franchise and decrease the potential for expansion (Woods et al. 2017). Thus, the compliance risk is the factor, which is very important for the long-term sustainability of the organization. Thus, the regulation of the internal policies of the bank has to be maintained in order to identify the quality and the quantity of the risk factors. The quantity of the risk will be evaluated based on the seriousness of the issue and the quality of the issue will be dependent on the quality measures applied to mitigate the issues. Operational risk is associated with all the products, processes and activities of the bank. Thus, the higher officials in the organization will have to incorporate strategies for managing risk in a better way (Jaber, Ismail and Ramli 2017). Operational risk management is used to effectively protect the organization from all sorts of uncertainties. The organization will have to set appropriate standards for managing risk and a strong operational risk management system is required for maintaining the operational performance of the organization. These are the major risk factors, which Arab bank monitors on a daily basis to maintain their sustainability in the market. These practices will provide stability to the bank and the organization will be able to improve the capitalization in the market. Risk register Risk register is one of the major factors for the management of operational risk of the bank. It uses the upbeat management of the internal controls of the organization through effective control of the business units and assessment of the inherent risk. Audit function and the inspection are the internal control for managing the operational risk of the banks (Mace et al. 2015). However, the changes in the market trends have increased the complexity of the management of the risk of the banks due to the invention of information technological based banking facilities. Thus, the banks are4 forced to make use of structured and scientific approaches for the enhancement of the internal controls of the banks. Risk register approach will help the bank to foresee and visualize the risks that may occur in the future and thus, the bank can take precautionary measures. However, this does not mean that the degree of uncertainty in the market will be reduced and the bank may incur loss due to unsyst ematic risk (Chen et al. 2014). Thus, the bank will have to make use of the risk register factor for assessing the processes, products, activities and systems. This is applicable for the new products and the instruments that will be incorporated within the organization. Risk register will identify the risk factors for these instruments and thus, the bank will be able to mitigate the risk factors in an effective way. There is no specific way of using the risk register within the banks and it has to be developed based on the needs of the organization. Various aspects of the operational risk of the bank will be evaluated to establish the factors that will be included in the Risk register of the bank. Risk register is developed in a phased manner and a timeline will have to be maintained which will continuously keep on updating the controls and risks within the register (Black et al. 2016). The higher official in the organization continuously scrutinizes the format for the assessment of the risk so that the parameters for risk register can be set. Moreover, this will, enable the higher ups in the organization to be aware of the control gaps. Thus, risk register will facilitate in providing the higher officials in the banks to be aware of the suggestive approaches that has to be implemented. It is essential to identify all the activities that will be vulnerable to operational risk. There are several stages that would be include in the execution procedure which will include the various business functions. Such as Treasury, Credit, retail and branch operations. Thus, it is essential for the banks to define the risk register for the verticals of the organization (Pritchard and PMP 2014). For better examination and granularity, subsequent to posting down of the considerable number of exercises, items and procedures of the exercises ought to be recorded down. Amid posting down procedures, it ought to be smarter to compose every one of the means of the procedure successively. In the wake of posting of items and procedures, the different operational dangers related with these items/procedures ought to be recorded. Subsequent to posting of every single Operational Risk, the controls utilized for relieving/limiting the dangers, ought to be distinguished. Despite the fact that app raisal of risk and controls won't be directed in the main period of risk enrol arrangement however these are vital piece of risk enlist format (Hopkin 2017). When chance enrol is arranged every one of the dangers and controls will be evaluated in RCSA practice on their parameters. However, as all the banks use different regulatory guidelines and Basel norms for evaluation of internal and external risk within the organization. Thus, the evaluation of the residual risk within the organization has often been avoided by most of the banks. However, it is essential to monitor both the controls and the inherent risk as the residual risk can be derived from these factors. A well-developed Risk Register is a win-win circumstance for both Risk Management Function and Business and Support capacities (Sadgrove 2016). It encourages the association to manufacture better operational risk administration system, it causes chance administration office to effortlessly distinguish and oversee operational risk and it enables business and support to work in better item advancement. Real advantages of Risk Register are as underneath: Risk Register will help in recognizing every one of the dangers engaged with saving money operations (Internal and External Risks). RCSA will help in investigate and observing of the risk on the premise of nature and criticality. Business Units will have better items and procedures regarding risk control. Periodical RCSA exercise will advance familiarity with Operational Risk at worker and forefront officer who are taking an interest in the everyday movement. Risk Register and RCSA exercise will help taking part office/vertical and worker to comprehend the hugeness of control that is set up for alleviation of Operational Risk. Successful RCSA exercise will enable a bank to better comprehend its risk profile. The RCSA exercise will uncover regions of shortcoming and organizes ensuing administration activity. Functional unit will have a profile of risk of their procedure and item at the granular level. Aides in limiting the operational/extortion misfortune. Aides in working up an operational risk administration culture. To enhance the risk capital. To adjust the risk and control with the change in inside and outside condition. To meet the administrative necessities. Calculation of risk and risk threshold Risk appetite can be defined as the type and the amount of the risk that the organization is willing to take in order to fulfil the strategic objective of the organization. Organizations will have diverse risk appetite relying upon their division, culture and goals. A scope of appetite exists for various dangers and these may change after some time (Young 2014). Risk tolerance and appetite should be high on any board's motivation and is a centre thought of an enterprise chance administration approach. IRM's direction gives down to earth bearing, guidance and data to help meeting room banter about. While chance appetite will constantly mean distinctive things to various individuals, a legitimately imparted, fitting danger hunger proclamation can effectively enable organizations to accomplish objectives and bolster maintainability. Execution of a successful ERM program is deficient without deciding and characterizing an association's risk tolerance and risk appetite. Actually, as indicated by the RIMS Risk Maturity Model, "risk appetite management" is one of seven basic traits of a successful ERM system and a fundamental piece of any risk develop association (Gutteling 2015). Development is additionally dictated by the degree of comprehension and responsibility of five elements: Defining adequate limits Calculating and articulating tolerance Developing risk portfolio Making risk and reward exchange offs in day by day administration Attacking gaps amongst actual and the perceived. Plainly communicated risk appetite and tolerance articulations help secure organizations against exclusively seeking after single, limit objectives without considering potential outcomes as they seek after prizes for a "suitable" level of risk. What is suitable and adequate for one association might be unsuitable to another, as their mentalities toward chance fundamentally may extend along a continuum from chance taking to chance opposed. Risk tolerance and appetite definitions frequently can be an exercise in careful control as an association's partners may have changing methods of insight on how much risk ought to be sought after or held. Risk appetite and resistance are impacted by the idea of the association and by the business that an association works in. Companies with higher risk hunger for the most part are more engaged on the potential for a huge increment in esteem and profit (Ittner and Keusch 2017). Thus, these organizations might will to acknowledge higher risk consequently. Beginning period, high-potential, high-risk, development new businesses have a high hunger for chance and are generally ready to acknowledge more prominent unpredictability and vulnerability. Conversely, organizations with bring down risk appetite by and large are more risk unwilling as their attention is on stable development and income. They might be more disinclined to showcase vacillations and significantly affected by legitimate and administrative prerequisites (Ittner and Oyon 2014). A few definitions recognize appetite and tolerance in that hunger is seen as an announcement that characterizes the hierarchical rationality for overseeing and going out on a limb and resistance as a quantitative metric keeping in mind the end goal to bound exercises and results inside the metric. In this manner, an association's risk hunger must be adjusted with its risk resiliences. Risk tolerance can be measured as a satisfactory/unsuitable scope of variety with respect to the accomplishment of a particular goal or, then again to the accumulated risk hunger. Risk resistance gives imperatives around the level of risk, which may have upper limits (e.g., endure close to) and bring down limits (e.g., endure at a base or not endure an arrival not as much as x in light of the risk expected). It might be measured utilizing some indistinguishable units from the related goal. These risk resiliences might be joined by a risk target. A risk target is a coveted level of risk that the association accepts is ideal to meet its destinations. This regularly can be some level inside the risk tolerance limits, conceivably delineated along a risk/remunerate bend (Huzdik, Bres and Nmeth 2014). Verifiable in the risk tolerance and risk target ideas are surveys to decide the appropriateness, ampleness and viability in working inside the limits at the coveted target levels. Checking changes from the normal results is indispensable for risk tolerance proclamations to be significant. Startling or unsatisfactory deviations should trigger encourage examination and activity, including acceleration to senior administration. Similarly, as with hunger, an association's risk tolerance by and large is driven by its destinations and partner desires, running from esteem security (for the most part br ing down tolerance levels) to esteem creation (by and large higher tolerance levels). Resistances are additionally profoundly needy on how very much promoted or financed the association is. An association ought not characterize risk appetite without considering its risk limit (Baldan, Geretto and Zen 2016). Risk limit is the measure of risk an association can really tolerate. An association's board and administration may have a high-risk appetite yet not have enough limit to deal with a risk's potential instability or effect. On the other hand, the risk limit might be high yet the organization may choose in light of methodology, administration goals and partner desires to embrace a lower chance hunger. Thus, risk threshold is the limit of the banks to which they can go in order to fulfil their strategic goals. Mitigation actions Thus, Arab Bank will have to make use of the guidelines provided by the regulators to incorporate the different risk aversion techniques which are being discussed. The management of liquidity and the credit risk is one of the major factor for the organization. however, operational risk should be focused on by incorporating risk register which will define the control parameters which will have to be monitored. Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded form the study that Arab Bank will have to face various kinds of risks such as credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk and operational. These risks will have to be monitored on a regular basis by the application of the Basel guidelines. The continuous monitoring of the risk factors will facilitate in reduction of the uncertainties of the bank and will increase their capitalization in the market References Abiola, I. and Olausi, A.S., 2014. The impact of credit risk management on the commercial banks performance in Nigeria.International Journal of Management and Sustainability,3(5), p.295. 2017.Arab Bank - Jordan: Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Nov. 2017]. Baldan, C., Geretto, E. and Zen, F., 2016. A quantitative model to articulate the banking risk appetite framework.Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions,9(2), pp.175-196. Black, L., Correa, R., Huang, X. and Zhou, H., 2016. The systemic risk of European banks during the financial and sovereign debt crises.Journal of Banking Finance,63, pp.107-125. Calomiris, C.W. and Carlson, M., 2016. Corporate governance and risk management at unprotected banks: National banks in the 1890s.Journal of Financial Economics,119(3), pp.512-532. 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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Globalization of Wyeth free essay sample

Over the next 8 years, with the help of the Information Technology department, Wyeth became a globalized pharmaceutical company with centralized information that created new efficiency in an increasingly competitive market. The end result was a positive one but it was not an easy road to get there. Wyeth had great pre-planning for the Information Technology shift, but the original strategic design needed to be revamped when the implementation started. Employee resistance was a result of the fear of the unknown as well as confusion with the processes.Also, budgetary concerns played a role in the rate at which the Information Technology division could grow. With headaches like this, you can believe that the leaders at Wyeth were reaching for an Advil. Background In 1860, John and Frank Wyeth started a drugstore in Philadelphia. In the small research lab they had attached to the pharmacy, they started to manufacture large quantities of commonly needed medications. We will write a custom essay sample on The Globalization of Wyeth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They found success in â€Å"mass† production of pharmaceuticals. This â€Å"mass production† was defined by 1929 standards and happened in the storage area next to the pharmacy.John’s son, Stuart, incorporated Wyeth as a holding company in 1929. Until the 1990’s, Wyeth was a holding company for a diverse offering of products. Some of their most popular were a toothpaste called Kolynos and a headache medicine called Anacin. Wyeth’s reputation was that of a laissez-faire holding company that was primarily focused on bottom-line profits and not in meddling in the individual companies’ business. In the early 1990’s this style was not allowing Wyeth to be as successful as they knew they could be and they looked for a change.Wyeth had many locations throughout the world and they would be considered a multinational company. Though they had many locations, these locations did not interact with each other or report much information back to Wyeth other than bottom line financials. Management decided they needed to become a global corporation that had set business practices and continuity throughout their companies. They needed centralized information and strong interaction between locations. They believed that information technology was the key to their future growth. Stages of changeWyeth’s first step toward change was to divest as all the non-health care divisions that they owned. This was an important step for Wyeth to reorganize themselves as a more focused pharmaceutical company as opposed to a holding company. While redefining themselves as a pharmaceutical company, they also made significant investments into research and development so that Wyeth would start producing original scientific discoveries. Creating and owning the rights to the products would obviously help the margins of the future product offerings for Wyeth.Adding this important division was also another reason that they needed to upgrade their internal efficiencies. Because of the disjointed nature of the current Wyeth company design, there was a lot of redundancy. The next step to change was consolidating those redundancies. Many of the individual locations had excess manufacturing space and duplicated staff functions. In a few cases they even had managers that would hoard products because they suspected a future shortage. If Wyeth was going to keep the investors happy, they would have to become leaner. Communication beyond the bottom line numbers was not something that often occurred between the local firms and corporate Wyeth. Communication between the different local firms happened even less. This was another step, which would not come easy for the new â€Å"global† company. Corporate Wyeth had very little knowledge about storage space or production levels at the various locations. The local firms never shared ideas for success with each other because there was little incentive or benefit to the individual locations.The laissez-faire, only concerned about the bottom dollar, holding company was going to need to establish formal control mechanisms to become better with global inventory. The next stage was to have Research and Development up and running. Wyeth being able to manage the product from origination is a valuable step to protecting margins, licensing agreements and global growth. This was a problem at the local level however for the individual managers. The local managers were mainly used to local activities.They would order and produce at local levels and there was an uneasy adjustment to get local managers to think on a global level. Last, but certainly not least, is the growth and expansion of information technology. To aid in the communication between locations and to gain understanding of processes on a global level, the Information Technology division was going to need to be a larger part of the company. Part of this growth was going to be the purchase of new technology and part was a reconfiguration of how products were offered and packaging was designed. Wyeth was already a multinational company so they understood there would be problems going global. Issues like getting products approved in different countries often varied greatly from country to country. This became both marketing and an information technology problem. Managers from different countries accounted for products differently and kept books differently according to local needs. This was an accounting problem as well as an Information Technology problem for the new global Wyeth. Trying to standardize and grow was not going to be easy. SWOT StrengthsFinancial strength- One of Wyeth’s biggest strengths was their financial stability. The shareholders were pleased. Even with their inefficiencies, they were bringing in large profits year after year. For example, in 1997 Wyeth had earnings of $2 Billion. This strength allowed them leeway in making decisions to further their new corporate plan. It is obvious that they still needed to remain profitable and grow their profits, but having the financial means as well as the latitude to make these moves is a benefit that not all companies have when they are reinventing themselves.Vision- The leadership team for Wyeth believed that in order to remain competitive, they would need to make serious changes in how the company was run. The vision that these leaders had cannot be understated. Without this vision it is likely that Wyeth would have continued at the same pace, and most likely their margins would have shrunk as competitors became more efficient. Wyeth would have problems with inventory over and under stock and would remain somewhat clueless regarding the movements and the outputs of their company throughout the world.The need for change does not seem to have come from competitive threat, though we are sure it was there. The change primarily seems to have come out of vision of what was to come. This is also important because it was not always easy to show on balance sheets that there was a need for change. Showing shrinking margins and competitors growth probably would have made this transition easier for investors and employees to understand. The leaders understood the theoretical loses they were taking from not sharing information, reducing redundancies and not streamlining the brands. Those losses are not showing up on the balance sheet†¦ yet. That is why the vision of the leadership is so important. Information Technology Management- Though it is a work in progress, the Information Technology management plan is a great strength to Wyeth. When they streamline the communication via the Information Technology department, they are able to gather a wealth of knowledge. We know that a single product could have between 3,500-5,000 SKU’s. Once they normalized the products, the Information Technology department was able to feed very valuable information to the marketing department regarding product movement.Normalizing and centralizing the information also helped with production efficiencies. Some managers would over order to avoid a shortage of product while other managers were forced to deal with shortages because of said managers. Because of the global product sourcing, the individual locations were able to become more efficient and save Wyeth money. The Information Technology upgrade also helps to save time and money on accounting practices. Because the individual locations chose to, or were required to, they often kept books in a way that was different from other locations.When Wyeth would try to reconcile books it would take them weeks to get answers on product variations or confusing differences. Centralizing information limits the confusion by standardizing the information. Weaknesses Culture- The transition period from autonomy to unity was not an easy one. Wyeth struggled with many aspects of this change. Some of the people simply did not see the value in the changes. Business was good and they did not want to bother with change. Others felt they did not have time to change because they needed to remain focused on the bottom dollar.Wyeth investing time and money and had great thought and planning. They met with many of the mangers to explain the plan and describe the vision. With all of this, the culture still took time to shift. Some of the employees understood that the redesign was going to make Wyeth more lean, which was a threat to their job. All of this is a culture issue. It is never easy to change the culture of any organization, let alone an organization that is a vast as Wyeth. Not only was Wyeth dealing with business culture, they are also dealing with world culture.Globalizing an autonomous factory in Brazil will be different than Globalizing a factory in the US. They will also deal with the changes differently. Original design- for basically 60 years the ownership style of Wyeth was hands off. They allowed for entrepreneurship and individual thought for most of the businesses when Wyeth was a holding company. A weakness for the new global Wyeth is that they have been running the show so differently up until this change. Undoubtedly there were many employees who enjoyed the relative independence they were offered through â€Å"old† Wyeth and would not want a new system that changes this.The problem here is a case of original design. If Wyeth had, from the beginning, had a global mindset and required centralized information, all of the individual locations would be running smoothly. Because this is a shift in vision from the leadership, the employees will need time to adjust. Opportunities Financial- The most obvious opportunity for Wyeth was the financial opportunity that this change brought them. Many at Wyeth estimated globalization to be worth â€Å"hundreds of millions† and that was specifically talking about inventory management.The upgrades in Information Technology and streamlining of support staff only adds to those figures. Wyeth was financially successful prior to this transition but they were not lean. The focus on efficiency is a financial windfall for the company. Proximity to market- Wyeth knew that 40% of their business was outside of the United States. With figures like that, it makes sense that Wyeth wanted global efficiency The more they globalize, the closer they are to their customer, and the more efficient they while getting to their customer.With almost half their customer base outside the United States, Wyeth has an opportunity to expand in many countries. Threats Financial shifts- We have expressed that this transition has tremendous opportunities for Wyeth, but these moves were very costly. Financial shifts, even toward becoming a leaner company, can threaten the financial solvency of the company. We believe the leadership was very cautious, likely too cautious, with the transition and specifically the Information Technology transition. This is a justified threat for Wyeth. In the 1990’s like today, technology is ever evolving and reducing in price as a result.Expanding Information Technology is an investment that Wyeth needs, but they risk purchasing equipment that becomes obsolete well before it’s time. There is also a threat of foreign shift. Being global requires that Wyeth be invested in countries other than the ones that the leaders live in. Dealing with foreign countries has countless unknowns. Whether it is technology or foreign diplomacy, it all adds up to a threat of financial shifts for Wyeth. Cultural shifts- Internally, during a time of change, Wyeth has to be concerned about the shifting culture within their global business.Wyeth put a lot of time and effort into making a smooth transition to streamlined globalization. It is not possible for Wyeth to manage the day-to-day rumor mill and when you are dealing with big transitions it is tough to define what will be rumored. This could simply be lowering of employee satisfaction or good employees leaving. These are unfortunate but minimal threats. A larger threat would be if an employee damages Wyeth’s global image through lawsuits, negative media expose or bad products being released to market. These do not seem to have happened, but they are very real threats none the less.Recommendations We feel that Wyeth should have made this transition sooner, and they should have done it faster. There was plenty of opportunity lost as they crawled through parts of this transition. The leadership understood the need for a much more dynamic Information Technology department but they did not back up that idea with enough money for several years. They should have made more of a financial commitment with their verbal commitment. Now that the streamlining process is in place and the RD is developing new products, Wyeth should focus on acquisitions.When Wyeth was a holding company, they were good at acquisitions. They would allow those independent locations to be financially successful-independently. Now that Wyeth is a global force, they can add new independent locations for the purpose of market share, proximity to market and/or bottom line net profits. Global Wyeth has the pieces to streamline, dismantle and utilize resources of newly acquired locations. We believe that Wyeth has made the transition from a multinational company that has many locations that do not share information to a global company that has effective centralized information.As a global company, the majority of their locations are the United States and Europe. We recommend that Wyeth take a close look at the real estate they are not occupying and look to expand in other parts of the world. Specifically, parts of South America, Most of Africa and all of Russia. As an efficient global company, Wyeth should have the ability to take advantage of the new markets with much less risk of redundancy and failure. Lastly, Wyeth needs to continue to keep IT a priority. Wyeth had a lot of catching up to do regarding IT in the last several years.We know that the majority of the budget growth for IT was merely combining the local IT department budgets to one centralized budget. The IT budget will continue to have many intangibles. They will not always be able to show direct cost savings in the budget. We believe the IT department needs an expanded budget to allow for technology growth that will result in additional efficiencies. Most importantly Wyeth leadership needs to continue to shift their mindset towards IT centralization and growth that will lead to global growth for Wyeth’s pharmaceutical company.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Choose Between Into or Onto and Their Two-Word Forms

How to Choose Between Into or Onto and Their Two-Word Forms How to Choose Between â€Å"Into† or â€Å"Onto† and Their Two-Word Forms How to Choose Between â€Å"Into† or â€Å"Onto† and Their Two-Word Forms By Mark Nichol Into, or â€Å"in to†? Onto, or â€Å"on to†? Into and onto are prepositions, words that describe relative position. They are part of prepositional phrases, such as â€Å"She settled herself into her seat† or â€Å"He climbed onto the roof.† These words are forward looking, in that, as their grammatical name implies, they are positioned before the object. â€Å"In to† and â€Å"on to,† on the other hand, are combinations of an adverb (in or on) and the preposition to. Unlike the single-word forms, they look both backward (in and on refer to a preceding verb) and forward (to pertains to the following object). Of the distinctions between each pair, that distinguishing into from â€Å"in to† is more straightforward. If you wish to write that you went somewhere to let a representative of a company know you are disappointed with a product or service, you can express that idea using either form. But if you write, â€Å"I walked into the office to lodge a complaint,† the sentence focuses on the prepositional phrase â€Å"into the office.† If you write, â€Å"I walked in to lodge a complaint,† the emphasis is the phrase describing the action: â€Å"I walked in.† Onto and â€Å"on to† can be more confusing, but think of the problem this way: â€Å"She drove onto the highway† means, â€Å"She drove so that she was on the highway.† Conversely, â€Å"She drove on to the highway† means, â€Å"She headed for the highway.† The two-word form is also appropriate for figurative meanings, where no physical movement or placement exists for example, â€Å"I think you’re really on to something.† Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to test whether onto or â€Å"on to† is correct temporarily insert the word up after the verb, or, just for the test, replace the word or the phrase with the word on: The â€Å"Up† Test When you wish to write that you used a ladder, could you write, â€Å"I climbed up onto the ladder†? Yes, you could, so onto is correct. When you want to express that you clutched something, could you write, â€Å"I held up on my hat†? No, the sentence does not make sense, so the two-word form (â€Å"I held on to my hat†) is the right one in this case. The â€Å"On† Test When you wish to write that you scaled a boulder, could you write, â€Å"I climbed on a boulder†? Yes, you could, so onto is correct. When you want to express that you bequeathed something, would you write, â€Å"I passed it on him†? No, that doesn’t make sense, so the two-word form (â€Å"I passed it on to him†) is correct here. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comma After i.e. and e.g.25 Russian Words Used in English (and 25 More That Should Be)Each vs. Both

Saturday, November 23, 2019

15 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on the Changes of Women’s Role in Vietnamese Society

15 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on the Changes of Women’s Role in Vietnamese Society If you are tasked with writing a compare and contrast essay on the changes of women’s roles within Vietnamese society, there are many things that you might want to cover. The first step is of course, selecting the topic that most speaks to you. Your goal in selecting a topic is to pick something that you are interested in. The more you are curious about a particular change that has taken place in that society, the easier and faster the research and writing process will be for you. You will also be able to put forth your personal passion for the topic into the work, something that will show through to your reader. When writing a compare and contrast essay, you can take any of the key issues you want and compare them to other issues, contrast them to other countries, to other services, or even to different ethnic groups. One of the main areas for discrepancy among any of the changes that have taken place with regard to women’s roles is that which exists between rural and urban women, as well as women who are of a minority ethnically or a majority ethnically. Almost all areas you might want to review can be compared or contrasted in these lights. Below is a list of some interesting facts that you might be able to use in your compare and contrast essay: Today, women in Vietnam are represented widely in higher education, within the public sector, and in non-government organizations. There is still a glass ceiling for women, but they can nonetheless gain leadership or managerial positions. Women are free to travel in urban areas without many restrictions on the people with whom they can interact, where they are allowed to go, or how they must dress. Women today take credit for up to 50% of the workforce and labor growth of the country, particularly in the shoe, garment, and electronics factories which make up a substantial part of that workforce. Women have migrated from poorer, agricultural communities to work in factories that are unhealthy and overcrowded, but recently liberalized trade has opened up new markets and allowed women to start their own businesses. There are still gaps between men and women with regard to general health, economic performance, and educational attainment, but each of these three gaps has narrowed over the last few years as statuses for women in the country have improved. 60% of the adult women in the country are economically active and the mean hourly wages are between 85-90% of that earned by men. This compares to women having an average of just one year less of formal education compared to men. Additionally, women are more likely to live in poverty, to have been sick at least once over the last twelve months, or to live with disabilities. While there are many changes taking place in urban areas for women, the gender gaps remain at their widest in rural regions or among ethnic minority groups. Changes have taken place with regard to the access to credit made available to women. Today new banking interventions now allow private credit institutions the ability to offer credit to small and medium sized businesses, owned by men or women. This credit is now being offered by the State Bank of Vietnam making it easier for those businesses operating within an international framework. Trade functions as one area that offers women clear opportunities, but there is a lack of targeted support for those businesses owned exclusively by women which is why it has not been used to its highest capacity. Technical support has now been made available for those women who own businesses. There are local business associations in smaller areas comprised of the women who are starting businesses in those areas, but there is still no single beacon of service or support for women in the workplace. Labor conditions are different compared between rural and urban areas, as well as between the service, industrial, and agricultural sectors. These items are also influenced by the minority status of the women, whether or not they have disabilities, and their geographic location. Women in poorer areas often lack trade unions or political stability which results in better labor conditions or more opportunities for advancement. Vietnam recently became part of the World Trade Organization (WTO) which means its citizens can now participate in regional trade and use legal frameworks that are pre-established. Overseeing this is Ministry of Trade which is overseen in almost all of its highest positions by men. Women are starting to gain positions within this department. Previously, businesses and enterprises owned by women were underserved and lacked access to the same opportunities as those owned by men. They were also subject to higher competition from businesses owned by men. The government does not maintain records of those businesses owned by women which makes it difficult, at best, to decide how well target programming is working, but with new partnerships with the WTO, this will be made easier and more regulated. Gender equality remains a core legal principle and as such gender bias is not apparent as a barrier to using formal dispute resolution processes in any legal problem. The reality, nonetheless, is that very few women actually use alternative dispute resolutions or the official court systems to resolve their disputes. There is a cultural aversion to the engagement of public disputes. What’s more, many businesses within the country lack formal written agreements, something which would be necessary for formal dispute resolution processes. In the country today, two thirds of enterprises in urban areas are owned by women and in rural areas nearly three quarters of enterprises are done by women. Many of these enterprises are small and lack information necessary to use formal dispute resolution processes. As a result, there is a risk that poor women, as well as those living in rural areas, and who are part of an ethnic minority do not have equal access to information about legal rights. These facts are very important for you if you want to deal with this issue in your compare and contrast essay writing. So, don’t forget to look through them before completing your writing assignment. References: Bankston III, Carl L. Gender roles and scholastic performance among adolescent Vietnamese women: The paradox of ethnic patriarchy.  Sociological focus  28.2 (1995): 161-176. Zuo, Xiayun, et al. Gender differences in adolescent premarital sexual permissiveness in three Asian cities: effects of gender-role attitudes.  Journal of Adolescent Health  50.3 (2012): S18-S25. Dasgupta, Shamita Das. Gender roles and cultural continuity in the Asian Indian immigrant community in the US.  Sex roles  38.11-12 (1998): 953-974. Nghe, Linh T., James R. Mahalik, and Susana M. Lowe. Influences on Vietnamese men: Examining traditional gender roles, the refugee experience, acculturation, and racism in the United States.  Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development  31.4 (2003): 245-261. Knodel, John, et al. Gender roles in the family: change and stability in Vietnam. (2004). Nguyen, Thi Quynh Trang. Gender discrimination in the way the Vietnamese talk about face thà ª dià ªn: Results from interviews with Vietnamese teachers.Qualitative Research Journal  15.2 (2015): 147-154. Zhou, Min, and Carl L. Bankston. Family pressure and the educational experience of the daughters of Vietnamese refugees.  International Migration39.4 (2001): 133-151.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Counterargument description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Counterargument description - Essay Example They also state that institutional trust is learned earlier on in life and then later projected towards these institutions. Media ownership has always been said to influence what is produced from the company. If a certain media house suffered a deal towards a certain company, it will be supposed to always have that negative attitude towards this institution. Journalism culture is also said to contribute to attitude. In this case, there are some cultures that exhibit negative journalism while others do not. Basing a counterclaim on the four factors that lie as a basis for the weak claim, economic performance has always been used as a basis for effective performance. This however is not supposed to be a claim to victimize a company. There are several causes of poor performance apart from the financial aspect. Economists would claim that prevailing market conditions would render a public company unable to perform effectively. Moreover, most media houses are always divided on what defines a good institution. Some may claim effective human resource system while others may claim good salaries. There are also some public institutions that purely depend on financial support from the government. Such institutions cannot be declared poor performers on this basis. Interpersonal trust is not a purely universal aspect of relationship. One journalist growing up with an attitude about an institution does not make all journalists view the same institution as he is doing. That would give a negative culture in the journalism of that particular society. It becomes unprofessional to make general conclusions based on individual experiences (Hanitzsch & Berganza, 2012). There are different media reports that support this counterclaim. Julian Assange, the CEO of the whistle blowing WikiLeaks brought up several accusations about very many